Research Goal
The ultimate goal of our work is to better understand the pathophysiology of neurodegenerative diseases, especially amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), as a basis to find new neuroprotective treatments for these fatal conditions.
As the axon is the cellular compartment that is affected first and most severely in most neurodegenerative diseases, we want to better understand the mechanisms that lead to its degeneration. Important cellular mechanisms that are affected in axonal degeneration comprise axonal transport, autophagy and cytoskeletal integrity. We use different experimental set-ups to monitor these cellular functions including in vivo live-imaging of the rat optic nerve, STED microscopy of the cytoskeleton and microfluidic chambers.
We want to translate the findings form the basic research quickly to the patient and therefore intiate clinical studies with ALS patients. Moreover we analyze different potential biomarkers to better and earlier diagnose the disease.

STED-micrograph of tubulin and actin positive axonal degeneration bulbs at 1 hour after axotomy of primary cortical neuron.
Foto: Lucas Arndt Biller.
Selected Publications
Mechanisms of acute axonal degeneration in the optic nerve in vivo
Axonal degeneration is an initial key step in traumatic and neurodegenerative CNS disorders. We established a unique in [...]
Imaging of rat optic nerve axons in vivo
In this protocol, we describe the imaging of single axons in the rat optic nerve in vivo. Axons [...]
ROCK2 is a major regulator of axonal degeneration, neuronal death and axonal regeneration in the CNS
The Rho/ROCK/LIMK pathway is central for the mediation of repulsive environmental signals in the central nervous system. Several [...]
Alpha-Synuclein affects neurite morphology, autophagy, vesicle transport and axonal degeneration in CNS neurons.
Many neuropathological and experimental studies suggest that the degeneration of dopaminergic terminals and axons precedes the demise of [...]
Calpain-mediated cleavage of collapsin response mediator protein-2 drives acute axonal degeneration
Axonal degeneration is a key initiating event in many neurological diseases. Focal lesions to axons result in a [...]
ROCK inhibition in models of neurodegeneration and its potential for clinical translation
Neurodegenerative disorders like Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis are affecting a rapidly increasing population worldwide. [...]